Hoag Orthopedic Institute named "Best Hospital" nationally for Orthopedics by U.S. News & World Report

U.S. News & World Report recently unveiled its 28th annual best hospital rankings for 2017-2018, and Hoag Orthopedic Institute was named a ‘Best Hospital’ nationally for orthopedics and a ‘High Performing’ hospital for knee replacements and hip replacements.

More Californians choose Hoag Orthopedic Institute than any other hospital for joint replacement, and it is one of the largest volume orthopedic hospitals in the U.S.

U.S. News & World Report has become a bellwether for the ranking of hospitals nationally, and with well over one million Americans receiving a joint replacement each year, and millions more receiving other orthopedic surgeries, those in pain can use all the help they can get in identifying the highest performing hospitals and physicians.

Read here for more information on why you should choose Hoag Orthopedic Institute if currently exploring your orthopedic options.