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Back to Biking After Hip Replacement

  • Patient: Sandra C
  • Category: Hip

“ My advice now to anyone who needs hip replacement is DO IT. You’ll be glad you did. I’m back to my favorite bike routes now!”

If you happen to be riding along the Irvine trails over the weekend, chances are you may see Sandra Crouch biking through the hills.

The longtime Irvine resident has always been active whether running, biking or other activities. But she also experienced low back pain for years due to mild scoliosis. However, 10 years ago, she started experiencing pain in her right hip.

“I first noticed my hip pain during long flights, but I could relieve it with a few figure-four stretches,” she shared.

Sandra’s pain progressed over the years until she decided to seek care with HOI-affiliated non-operative orthopedic specialist, Dr Adam Rivadeneyra. She started with non-invasive therapies including steroid injections, PRP, acupuncture, and massage therapy, which she credits with delaying surgery for a time.

“I just wasn’t ready for a hip replacement and was hopeful I could delay it as long as possible,” she said.

Unfortunately, Sandra’s hip pain worsened over time and after a few months of immobility, she decided to seek care with orthopedic joint replacement surgeon Dr. Steven Barnett.

“I loved Dr. Barnett from day I met him because he treated like a patient, not a textbook problem, and I really appreciated that,” Sandra shared, “He was genuinely concerned about my quality of life and returning me to my active lifestyle as quickly as possible. His confidence in the success of the procedure gave me confidence in him.”

In May 2024, Sandra had a right hip arthroplasty (hip replacement) at Hoag Hospital Irvine, and was discharged the same day. “My husband was shocked how quick it was. Less than an hour after I went into the operating room, he got the alert that I was out and surgery had gone well.”

Sandra shared that while her prior restrictions from scoliosis caused some IT band pain after the procedure, she was shocked that she only required two weeks off work and could comfortably work remotely after that, until she was completely healed. “At the end of two weeks I was walking almost too much - a couple of miles.”

She credits her fast recovery to the great care she received at HOI and her commitment to faithfully following all her recovery instructions.

Sandra also shared that the recovery postcard she received in the mail three months after surgery made a huge impact on her.

“Getting that card in the mail made my day. During pre-op prep, one of the nurses asked me what my goals were. I reluctantly told her to get back to biking and yoga, very skeptical this would be possible. She wrote those goals on a postcard addressed to me. By the time the postcard arrived, I was back to both! I have an e-bike that assists with hills if I need it, and I think that gave me confidence to get back on my bike much quicker after surgery.”

Sandra shared that her ultimate goal is full mobility and strength and highly recommends continuing with physical therapy to strengthen the core and glutes.

“My advice now to anyone who needs hip replacement is DO IT. You’ll be glad you did. I’m back to my favorite bike routes now!”

We can’t wait to see how far Sandra goes next!