6th Annual Orthopedic Nursing Symposium Recap 2014
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On October 27, 2014, 128 nurses, physical therapists, physicians, and pharmacists joined together to learn more about orthopedic patient care. The 6th Annual Orthopedic Symposium was a success!
This year, there were 13 vendors, physician and nursing presentations, and another sold-out event with a waiting list starting in early September. Attendees came from as far as UCLA, Cedars-Sinai, San Francisco, Modesto, San Diego, local area and the desert. Topics covered complex pain management; minimally invasive spine surgery; skin care with special emphasis on peri-operative pressure ulcers and skin tears, and the favorite event, a live-feed video conference from the operating room of a direct approach anterior hip replacement. Participants were able to interact with the surgeon as the surgery was being performed.
Along with the surgery, there was a lecture on anterior hip replacement and normothermia information to prevent infection and produce better patient outcomes. A specialty oncology orthopedic surgeon and oncology nurse navigator provided an introduction on the topic of sarcoma and soft tissue malignancy.
Included was a discussion on the care of the patient and family along the continuum of care from diagnosis through long-term follow-up. A presentation about the complexities of arthroscopic and total shoulder replacement was also included in the symposium.The audience enjoyed getting to see a 3D model of an arthritic shoulder and how surgical outcomes are being improved due to this innovation.
It was an information-packed day with lots of personal growth for orthopedic staff, networking and sharing of best practices as well as good food and lots of vendor information. Look forward to seeing you next year.