Staff of the Season – Winter 2014

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Hoag Orthopedic Institute would like to congratulate our Winter Staff of the Season!

Alicia White

Alicia White is a Nurse Practitioner who works with many of our Orthopedic Surgeons and has been nominated by her peers as Employee of the Season for being an invaluable asset to the HOI staff. She is knowledgeable and very dedicated to her job and the patients we serve. She is always available and willing to help, even when we text her after hours. The care of our patients and the efficiency in which we are able to carry it out is directly related to Alicia’s knowledge and hard work. I think most staff would agree that we could not do what we do without her!

Becky Rivera

Becky Rivera is a PCA on the 2 nd Floor and a very new addition to our HOI family. While she has only been with us a few months, she has had an immediate impact on the staff and patients – for this, she has been nominated by her fellow staff members for Employee of the Season. It only takes a few minutes of getting to know her to realize why she deserves this recognition. She is a smart, kind and hard-working individual. She brings that something special to her work, a pride and thoughtfulness that is infectious to be around. She may not be very big but her spirit is and we grateful to have her on our team!