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Hip Arthroscopy

Injured while playing sports? Learn more about your options.

Sports that involve sudden twisting or pivoting motions such as golf or softball can lead to injury, dislocation or other painful conditions of the hip joint. Contact sports and running can also lead to serious hip injuries and conditions. If your hip problem is severe, and non-surgical treatments have not helped you, your doctor may recommend a procedure called hip arthroscopy.

With new advances in technology, surgeons are able to treat and repair a wide variety of hip problems arthroscopically, including loose bodies, labral tears, cartilage damage, bone spurs, arthritis and femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). With hip arthroscopy, it is important to find surgeons who perform the surgery often, and physical therapists experienced with recovery.

Hoag Orthopedic Institute is an orthopedic center for excellence where all members of our surgical team are highly experienced in leading edge surgeries. Call now to learn more.

Understanding the Basics of Hip Arthroscopy

The basics of hip arthroscopy are similar to arthroscopy of other joints. A camera and light source are inserted into the joint and a video image is projected onto a large monitor in the operating room. This allows the surgeon to examine the interior of the hip and determine the source of the problem. Salt water is also pumped into the joint, allowing for a clear picture.

During the procedure, the surgeon may also insert surgical instruments, through other small incisions in the hip, in order to remove or repair damaged tissues. Arthroscopy of the hip requires a way to distract the joint, and this is typically performed with a special operating table. Flexible tools have also been designed to improve access to problems inside the hip joint.

What to Expect When Working with Hoag Orthopedic Institute

At Hoag Orthopedic Institute, hip arthroscopy is done on an outpatient basis for healthy patients. The procedure may take from two to three hours. Operating rooms at Hoag Orthopedic Institute are state-of-the-art, and our standard of care is very high and personalized, with the nurse to patient ratio being an outstanding one to one, or one to two. Before, during and after your surgery, the focus of our entire team will be on safety, pain management and the optimal outcome.When the surgery is completed, a member of our physical therapy team will work with you to get the joint moving. Your surgeon and physical therapist will create an exercise program for you which will be a crucial part of your recovery process, so it is essential to continue with the exercises as directed. All patients must use crutches after hip arthroscopy, usually for two weeks. Careful rehabilitation after the return home is essential to achieving the best results.

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