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Specializing in Treating Bunions

Awarding-Winning Orthopedic Services in Orange County

What are Bunions (Hallux Valgus)?

Bunions, also called hallux valgus deformities, occur when the bones around the big toe become more angulated. This results in a more prominent bump on the inside of the big toe; however, it is important to note that it is not just a ‘bump’ but rather a change in position of these bones.

Symptoms of Bunions

In addition to a prominent “bump” on the outside of one’s toe, other symptoms can include pain while wearing shoes, redness or inflamed skin in that angulated area of the foot, as well as corns or calluses developed in that area.

The cause of bunions is multi-factorial as there is no singular cause. Typically, there is a family history of bunions and they are more common in females than males. While it is likely that certain shoes may contribute to bunions, it is unlikely that they are the sole cause of development of a bunion. As a result, there is not a clear answer as to how to prevent bunions from forming. Additionally, while there are various pads, straps, braces and other modalities designed for bunions, these devices are not guaranteed to prevent a bunion from forming and cannot reverse a bunion.

Nonsurgical Bunion Treatments

The treatment of bunions is dependent on the symptoms. If a patient is not having symptoms, surgery is not recommended. For patients with a symptomatic bunion, the nonoperative treatment includes modifying the types of shoes worn to a wider toe box, activity modification, anti-inflammatories, and potentially trying different padding devices.

Surgical Bunion Treatments

There are numerous surgical procedures to correct a bunion, and ultimately the correct procedure depends on a variety of factors including the patient’s age, anatomy (based on clinical exam and X-rays) as well as numerous other factors.

These surgical treatment options include more traditional open procedures (larger incisions) and newer minimally invasive bunion corrections.The key to success with bunion surgery is correctly identifying the appropriate surgical procedure based on the patient’s unique characteristics, which Hoag Orthopedic Institute’s foot surgeons and podiatrists are committed to.

Find a Foot Surgeon or Podiatrist

Treating bunions and finding a treatment program that gets you back on your feet and fully active, begins with seeking attention from top foot doctors who prioritize the health and unique goals of patients. At Hoag Orthopedic Institute, we are dedicated to providing sound orthopedic care and comprehensive patient-focused services in state-of-the-art facilities.

To learn more about our treatment options, call (949) 705-6493 or find a foot surgeon or podiatrist using our online physician directory.

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