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Knee Ligament Reconstruction

Giving You Back Your Mobility

Hoag Orthopedic Institute has sub-specialty trained orthopedic surgeons who have the experience to handle complex ligament reconstruction and other knee surgeries. Knee ligament injuries are very common, especially among athletes. Such injuries can come in various stages of severity, affecting different ligaments of the knee, for which the symptoms will differ. With a knee sprain or ligament tear you may experience pain, tenderness, swelling, difficulty walking, instability, a popping noise, or your knee may give out. The best treatment option for your situation will depend upon the severity of the tear, as well as your age and activity level.

If your injury is less severe, your treatment may be non-surgical. If the ligament tear is more severe, it may be necessary for you to undergo reconstructive surgery wherein the torn ligament is replaced with a substitute graft. This surgery is performed arthroscopically and is followed by an exercise and rehabilitation program to strengthen the muscles and restore joint mobility.

If you would like to learn about our ligament reconstruction, call us today at (949) 705-6493.

ACL Reconstruction in Orange County, CA

The most common type of ligament reconstruction is of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). The ACL is a ligament in the center of your knee that can become damaged or torn when twisted too far. The tissue that will replace your damaged ACL will come from your own body or from a donor. Tissue taken from your own body is called an autograft. The two most common tissue sources are the patellar, a tendon in your knee, or a hamstring tendon. Tissue used from a donor is called an allograft. The best type of graft for ACL surgery varies from person to person, which is why you and your doctor will need to discuss what is best for your situation.

Hoag Orthopedic Institute is recognized for utilizing the most advanced technology in ligament reconstruction. In fact, there are a number of orthopedic surgeons aligned with Hoag who have chosen the knee and sports injuries of the knee as their sub-specialty. Hoag Orthopedic Institute is recognized for its dedicated orthopedic physical therapy team as well. Their expertise will be essential in helping you regain full motion and optimal use of your knee.

Take the first step by finding a knee surgeon that is right for your reconstruction now.

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